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IEEE Std 802.1Qci pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.1Qci pdf free download.Local and metropolitan area networks- Bridges and Bridged Networks- Amendment 28: Per-Stream Filtering and Policing. Stream gate instance table
The stream gate instance table contains a set of parameters for each stream gate instance. The parameters 11w each stream gate instance are as follows:
a) A Stream gate instance idemitifier. An integer value identifying the stream gate instance.
h) An operational and an administrative stream gate stale (8.6. 10.4. 8.6. 10.5, 12.31 .3). A stream gate
can be in one of two states:
1) Open: Frames are permitted to pass through the gate.
2) Closed: Frames are not permitted to pass through the gate.
c) An operational and an administrative internal priority value specification (IPV. 8.6. 1 0.6, 8.6. 10.7, 12.31.3). An IPV can be either of the following:
1) The null value. For a frame that passes through the gate. the priority value associated with the frame is used to determine the frame’s traffic class, using the Traffic Class Table as specified in
2) An internal priority value. For a frame that passes through the gate. the IPV is used. in place of the priority value associated with the frame, to determine the frame’s traffic class, using the Traffic Class Table as specified in 8.6.6.
NOTE 1—A USC case for the ability to assign internal priority values can be tirnnd in IIZIZE Sid 802. lQch IN LB I].
d) A GaieClosedDueTolnvalidRxE,,able parameter, which takes the value TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates that the GateClosedDueTotnvalidRx function is enabled; a value of FALSE indicates that the GateClosedDueTolnvalidRx function is disabled. The default value of GatcCloscdDueTol nvalidRxEnahlc is FALSE.
e) A GateClosedDueTolnvalidRx parameter, which takes the value TRUE or FALSE. If GateClosedDueTolnvalidRxEnahle is TRUE, a value of TRUE in GateClosedDueTolnvalidRx indicates that all frames are dropped (i.e., the gate behaves as if the operational stream gate state is Closed). If GateClosedDueTolnvalidRx is FALSE, it has no effect. The default value of GateClosedDueTolnvalidRx is FALSE: if any frame is discarded because the gate is in the Closed state, then GateClosedDueTolnvalidRx is set TRUE.
NOTE 2—This parameter, in combination with its enable parameter, allow the detection of incoming frames during lime periods when the sit-earn gate is in the closed state to result in the stream gate being permanently set to a closed state, until such a time as management action is taken to reset the condition. The intent is to Support applications where the transmission and reception of frames across the network is c(x)rdinated such thai frames are received only when the stream gate is open, and hence, a frame received by the stream gate when it is in the closed state represents an invalid receive condition.
f) A GaieClosedDueToOctetsEvceededEnahle parameter, which takes the value TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates that the GateClosedDueToOctetsExceeded function is enabled: a value of FALSE indicates that the GateClosedDueToOctetsExceeded function is disabled. The default value of GateClosed DueToOctetsExceededEnable is FALSE.
g) A GateC!osedDueToOcieisEvceeded parameter, which takes the value TRUE or FALSE. If GateClosedDueToOctelsExceededEnable is TRUE, a value of TRUE in GateClosedDueToOctetsExceeded indicates that all frames are dropped (i.e., the gate behaves as if the operational stream gate state is Closed). If GateClosedDueToOctetsExceeded is FALSE, it has no effect. The default value of GateClosedDueToOctetsExceeded is FALSE; if any frame is discarded because there are insufficient lntervalOctetsLeft (, then GateCI osedDueToOctetsExceeded is set TRUE.
h) Optionally, an operational and an administrative stream gate control list. If present, these arc ordered lists of stream control operations, as specified in Table 8-7. The state machines that control the execution of the operational stream gate control list, along with their variables and procedures, are specified in 8.6.10.IEEE Std 802.1Qci pdf download.

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