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IEEE Std 1903.1 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1903.1 pdf free download.Content Delivery Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network.
4. Introduction NGSON defines the CD FE to support content delivery. This FE interacts with other FEs in order to discover content, route content, employ caching, and deliver and distribute content. The interactions among different FEs are carried via their reference points defined in NGSON. Figure 1 is the overall NGSON reference diagram according to IEEE Std 1903TM, in which the bold boxes and lines are the FEs and interfaces supporting content delivery capabilities.4 This standard specifies the protocols on each interface among these FEs, including protocol operations, protocol specification, and the relevant procedures. An end-user, NGSON, and service providers interact with the underlying networks (e.g., IMS, NGN, legacy IP networks, P2P overlay networks) for service (or content) delivery and policy enforcement. An end-user requests a service by sending a request to NGSON and receives the service response from NGSON. The services are provided by service (or content) providers and NGSON authorizes them. NGSON receives service request from an end-user and makes service provision and consumption with service compositions by the deployment of context-aware, dynamic adaptation, and self-organizing networking capabilities. NGSON supports content delivery from a service to another service, from a service to an end user, from an end user to another end user, or from an end user to a service. NGSON performs cache and forward functionalities and also supports requirements for content adaptation when the source content is in a different format than what the requester can accept. NGSON receives content from the content provider, stores, aggregates, and sends it to the end-user over underlying networks. This document standardizes the CD aspects of the NGSON. The FEs and the interfaces being described in this standard are highlighted in the following overall functional diagram.
5. Content delivery entities and their protocol operations
5.1 General
Roles of the content delivery entities arc as follows:
End-user functions: The end-user function provides mechanisms to allow end user access to content from a NGSON. To access content, the end-user function sends a service request to the NGSON and receives the response. In addition, it may access the content based on a response that contains a reference to CD FE.
Services: A service is a set of functions provided by software or system. usually accessible through an application programming interface (API). A service provides content to a user through CD FE.
Underlying networks: NGSON can operate with or without different underlying networks such as IMS, NGN, P2P overlay, or WEB to transmit content among its users and services. Specifications of underlying networks are outside the scope of this standard.
Other NGSONs: The NGSON can send and receive contents from other NGSONs.
Descriptions of the FEs for content delivery are as follows:
CD FE: supports content delivery from a service to another service, from a service to an end user, from an end user to another end user, or from an end user to a service. It performs cache and forward functiona titles.
SDN FE: supports discovery and negotiation of services for content delivery using the service information published in NGSON.
CIM FE: dispatches context information to SDN FE and SR FE to support their context aware operations for content delivery.
SR FE: provides the service routing capability in NGSON based on static and dynamic service information.
SPD FE: is responsible for QoS negotiation and assurance during service interaction for content delivery.IEEE Std 1903.1 pdf download.

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